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  • Emmanuel Macron
    Emmanuel Macron “If the Russians were to break through the front lines, if there were a Ukrainian request [of sending ground troops to Ukraine], which is not the case today, we would legitimately have to ask ourselves this question.” 14 hours ago
  • David Cameron
    David Cameron “We will give three billion pounds every year for as long as is necessary. We've just really emptied all we can in terms of giving equipment. The aid package was the largest from the UK so far. Some of that (equipment) is actually arriving in Ukraine today, while I'm here. Ukraine has a right to use the weapons provided by London to strike targets inside Russia, and that it was up to Kyiv whether to do so. Ukraine has that right. Just as Russia is striking inside Ukraine, you can quite understand why Ukraine feels the need to make sure it's defending itself.” 14 hours ago
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Russia invasion of Ukraine - Sanctions on Russia and consequences

Page with all the IPSEs stored in the archive related to the Context Russia invasion of Ukraine - Sanctions on Russia and consequences.
The IPSEs are presented in chronological order based on when the IPSEs have been pronounced.

“If Russia gets to export a third less of their oil and if they have to take a discount on it but if oil prices are much higher they might actually net positive on oil side and similar on other commodities.”

Chief investment officer at oil and gas equity investment firm Bison Interests
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“He [Vladimir Putin] is now engaged in a conflict where he's either going to have a costly military victory, followed by a costly occupation that he can't afford, or he's going to get caught in a long-term military quagmire at the same time as he's facing a second front, which is an economy in freefall in his own country. So, the combination of these two things, I think, puts us in a very dangerous place.”

US Republican Senator
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“China can essentially do one thing here, which is to buy more Russian goods, but they don't seem to be willing to do that and Russia doesn't have that many different goods that China is willing to buy. The relationship between Russia and China is very transactional. It's not an ideology-based relationship. They both dislike the United States and dislike the U.S.-led world order, but aside from that, I don't think there's much there.”

Ormer U.S. Treasury official and now CEO of the consultancy Castellum.AI
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“So far, economic pressure against Russia appears to be highly effective, crimping Russian trade even in goods that haven't officially been placed under sanctions. The financial restrictions that have already been imposed have made transactions with Russia - even the purchase of oil - difficult; fears of future sanctions, plus the general sense that any Western institutions perceived as helping the Putin regime will face harsh treatment from regulators, have led to widespread self-sanctioning, cutting off even trade that is formally permitted.”

Op-Ed columnist, Distinguished Professor at the City University of New York Graduate Center, 2008 Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences
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“Tariffs and retaliation and sanctions are the most effective when you can devise policies that have the maximum impact on the counter party whose attention you are seeking to get, and do the minimal damage to yourself. So far, sanctions have been structured to avoid harming Canadian business interests. If we are truly determined to stand with Ukraine, if the stakes in this fight are as high as I believe them to be, we have to be honest with ourselves, I have to be honest with Canadians, that there could be some collateral damage in Canada and that's something that the G7 finance ministers discussed very early this morning. I cannot announce those additional measures today. We are discussing them, we are working with our partners and allies. We have suggested many things, as have our allies. We believe that the most effective thing to do is to work together to announce measures together and we will continue to do that.”

Canada Finance Minister
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“If the US and EU freeze Russia's foreign reserves, it would reduce Russia's ability to interfere with the ruble's exchange rate through foreign reserves, and the ruble might face another drop.”

Deputy research fellow under the Institute of Russian, East European & Central Asian Studies under the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
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“This round of financial sanctions will have on Russia is that the country won't be able to channel its foreign exchange reserves deposited at overseas banks into Russia, thus immobilizing a powerful tool to prop up the ruble while it is under severe pressure of depreciation. If the ruble is left to plunge, it will frighten away investors, whether domestic or abroad, causing capital to flee Russia and triggering inflation risks.”

Professor of economics at Sun Yat-sen University
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“With China's support, the pressure on Russia will definitely be less, especially for financial linkages. This is especially true as Russia is isolated and China is the only country with meaningful economic size that can offer help. The real tricky moment will come if the US expands the scope and enforces secondary sanctions, which will become a tug-of-war between China's support for Russia versus whether the West is willing to pressure or put secondary sanctions on China given its large role in global trade. The pressure campaign could prompt ostracised countries to seek to reduce dollar dependency and establish more cross-border payment systems. This can hurt the effectiveness of sanctions over time, but a complete replacement of the dollar remains very unlikely.”

Asia economist at Natixis
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“We are hitting Putin's system where it has to be hit, not only economically and financially, but also at the heart of its power. We are not just listing oligarchs … but we are now also listing the president, Mr Putin, and the foreign minister, Mr Lavrov.”

Foreign Minister of Germany
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“This package will include financial sanctions that harshly limit Russia's access to the capital markets. These sanctions will have a heavy impact. Russia's economy has already faced intensive pressure in the recent weeks. And these pressures will now accumulate. These sanctions will suppress Russia's economic growth; increase the borrowing costs; raise inflation; intensify capital outflows; and gradually erode its industrial base. The second main pillar of our sanctions concerns limiting Russia's access to crucial technology. We want to cut off Russia's industry from the technologies desperately needed today to build a future. Our measures will weaken Russia's technological position in key areas, actually from which the elite makes most of their money. And this ranges from high-tech components to cutting-edge software. This will also seriously degrade the Russian economy in all areas in the future. Let me be very clear: It is President Putin who will have to explain this to his citizens. I know that the Russian people do not want this war.”

President of the European Commission
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“Today, I have directed my administration to impose sanctions on Nord Stream 2 AG and its corporate officers. These steps are another piece of our initial tranche of sanctions in response to Russia's actions in Ukraine. As I have made clear, we will not hesitate to take further steps if Russia continues to escalate.”

President of the United States
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“This is the first tranche, the first barrage of what we are prepared to do. It is absolutely vital that we hold in reserve further powerful sanctions...in view of what President Putin may do next. We want to stop Russian companies from being able to raise funds in sterling or indeed in dollars.”

UK Prime Minister
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“Tomorrow, the United States will impose sanctions on Russia for this clear violation of international law and Ukraine sovereignty and territorial integrity. We can, will, and must stand united in our calls for Russia to withdraw its forces, return to the diplomatic table and work toward peace.”

United States Ambassador to the United Nations under President Joe Biden
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“Sanctions would hit very very hard, and could include restrictions on Russian businesses' access to the dollar and the pound. We have to accept at the moment that (Russian President) Vladimir Putin is possibly thinking illogically about this and doesn't see the disaster ahead.”

UK Prime Minister
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“Hitting Russia's oil industry directly is impossible in an age when no country has the spare production capacity to replace it. And there are refineries among NATO's Central European members - Slovakia, Hungary and the Czech Republic - which can only be supplied by Russian pipelines. The SWIFT idea was quickly dropped because they realised that targeting SWIFT in a blanket way would mean, for instance, German utilities would have no way to pay for Russian natural gas, and that gets to be unthinkable. Russia has a permission factor in that is clearly 'too big to sanction' like Iran. What I think we have to be concerned about is that Russia has sufficient financial reserves that the scenario where Russia 'trolls' Europe and causes severe energy problems in Europe, which in turn makes it impossible to stay on message with regard to a western response.”

Independent oil consultant and former chief energy analyst at Eurasia Group
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