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  • Temur Umarov
    Temur Umarov “It's still trying to figure out what it is now and what it can be. At the end of the day, its main advantage is just the sheer size and its collective GDP, but there are still almost no substantial results.” 23 hours ago
  • Qassem Kassir
    Qassem Kassir “Nobody wants a war now, but it is Israel that is the one waging conflict. If Israel launches a [full-scale] war, it will be an open and major one.” 23 hours ago
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Considerations regarding the first debate of the 2024 United States presidential race

Page with all the IPSEs stored in the archive related to the Context Considerations regarding the first debate of the 2024 United States presidential race.
The IPSEs are presented in chronological order based on when the IPSEs have been pronounced.

“At this moment of incredible importance for America and the Democratic Party, I would urge President Biden, his family and his party's leadership to ask the same question: What does your worst enemy, Donald Trump, want you to do now? Then do the opposite. Trump is salivating at the prospect of Biden staying in the presidential race so he can pummel him from now until Election Day with 15-second television and radio ads - not to mention memes on social media - of Biden's incoherent responses in last week's debate, each ad asking: Is this the man you want answering the phone at 3 a.m. if the Russians or the Chinese or the Iranians attack us? That is a campaign the Trump G.O.P. cult is surely confident it can win.”

New York Times foreign affairs Opinion columnist
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“I know I'm not a young man, to state the obvious. I don't walk as easy as I used to, I don't speak as smoothly as I used to, I don't debate as well as I used to. I would not be running again if I didn't believe with all my heart and soul that I could do this job. The stakes are too high.”

President of the United States
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“I've been speaking to Republicans and Democrats since the debate ended and the overwhelming view is that this was a very good night for Donald Trump. Much of it had to do with stage presence. Yep, Joe Biden called out Donald Trump on his lies, on his falsehoods, on his exaggerations, on things that simply are not true. But Donald Trump looked as if he was in command. Biden didn't finish thoughts. He looked confused on certain points. And this was a bad night for him. If Joe Biden has one thing in his favour, it's that there's five months until the election. So they have time to fix this. But how they do that, that's the concern. This has upended the entire race.”

Al Jazeera correspondent
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