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  • Ian Garner
    Ian Garner “Europe has spent more time discussing, making statements, and making calls than actually putting its money where its mouth is and stepping up to give concrete support to Ukraine or to pursue any other policy of its own choosing. Everybody is technically on the same page. The problem is when you actually look at finer details of the plans, everybody disagrees. All these European leaders are still trapped in potential maybes. Nobody has come up with a cohesive, comprehensive, and collaborative plan to say, 'Here's what we would actually be willing to definitely do.' And so, of course, Trump, Putin, and even Zelenskyy don't take Europe seriously.” 16 hours ago
  • Majda Ruge
    Majda Ruge “There seems to be a group of EU countries who are clear that they are not going to be part of a poorly designed and hasty Trump deal, and who are focused on continuing their support to Ukraine.” 16 hours ago
  • Abdulaziz Alghashian
    Abdulaziz Alghashian “Many people are preparing themselves for something very negative on the horizon in regards to the ongoing yet fragile Gaza ceasefire. I think they sense that Netanyahu is someone who's really confident, especially after leaving Washington [and] getting a great deal of support from the White House for his dream of pushing people out of Palestine. The emboldened Israeli prime minister might, at some point, try to draw the United States into attacking Iranian nuclear facilities. Netanyahu is trying to create a great deal of instability so he could prolong his political career.” 16 hours ago
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Page with all the IPSEs stored in the archive with the tag #Zelenskyy linked to them.
The IPSEs are presented in chronological order based on when the IPSEs have been pronounced.

“President Putin thinks the positions on the Donbas and Crimea are not close enough to meet President Zelenskyy. What we need is a strategic-level meeting between the two leaders. There seems to be growing consensus … We are hoping there will be more convergence on these issues, and this meeting will take place sooner than later, because we all want this war to come to an end.”

Turkish Presidential Spokesman
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“For any conditions made by [Ukraine President Volodymyr] Zelenskyy to be realistic, they will need to have the buy-in of Ukrainians who have lived in the shadow of an increasingly aggressive neighbour for a long time and have now seen their worst fears come to fruition. A neutral Ukraine would no longer be a NATO partner, although other neutral states, notably Finland and Sweden, are NATO partners. Such a pathway to NATO membership, however unlikely it is to be fulfilled, will be a red line for Putin who views Ukraine differently. For Putin, Ukraine is part of an imagined 'Russian World' or community built on the markers of the Russian language, culture and a 'common glorious past' in a way Finland and Sweden are not, and this has been a driving motivation behind the decision to invade Ukraine. A neutral Ukraine would need to seek security ties outside of NATO to prevent a recurrence of an invasion, given Russia is the aggressor this would need to come from them, but Ukraine would likely look to other members of the UN Security Council [China, France, UK, US] to help uphold this.”

Senior lecturer in international politics at Newcastle University
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“It has been in the air for days now that the possibility is there - that the Russian forces that have been extending their gains north of Crimea, through Kherson and onwards through the town of Mykolaiv, may well try to double back on Odesa and join up with a naval landing from elements of the Black Sea fleet that have been hovering on the horizon there for several days. That's been talked about - whether Zelenskyy is referring to specific intelligence or not it's not clear.”

Al Jazeera’s journalist
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“We go there [to the talks] to listen to what Russia wants to say, we are going without any … preliminary agreement on what the outcome of these talks can be. We are going there to listen and to say what we think of this war and Russia's actions. Between now and the moment that the talks are wrapped up, [Belarusian President Alexander] Lukashenko assured President Zelenskyy that no Belarusian military force will be used against Ukraine. We can only hope that Lukashenko will stick to his word. And between now and the moment when these talks are wrapped up, we will continue to fiercely defend our country, to defeat Russian forces if they try to continue their offensive operations.”

Foreign Minister of Ukraine
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“It is clear that Zelenskyy wanted to reassert himself in a conversation that appears may be taking on a life of its own. It appears that he is trying to set the record straight. What we are hearing from the US and President Joe Biden is that the threat is imminent, but the take from the president of Ukraine is that it may not be as imminent as Washington is characterising.”

Al Jazeera’s journalist reporting from Washington, DC
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“By pumping fear, Zelenskyy's team is trying to get additional resources to fight opposition, dissidents. Ukraine must think twice, even thrice, before making military decisions to counter Russia.”

Russian analyst
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“This visit is important to Zelenskiy [Volodymyr Zelenskiy] because Trump brought him into the domestic political debate, there has been some concern there could be tensions between the Ukrainian leader and the Biden administration. But that didn't happen, because first of all, he resisted Trump's pressure, and secondly, Biden and his people in the State Department understand the importance of Ukraine. The visit alone will likely raise Zelenskiy's profile within his country.”

Professor of comparative politics at the University of Kyiv Mohyla Academy
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