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  • Ian Garner
    Ian Garner “Europe has spent more time discussing, making statements, and making calls than actually putting its money where its mouth is and stepping up to give concrete support to Ukraine or to pursue any other policy of its own choosing. Everybody is technically on the same page. The problem is when you actually look at finer details of the plans, everybody disagrees. All these European leaders are still trapped in potential maybes. Nobody has come up with a cohesive, comprehensive, and collaborative plan to say, 'Here's what we would actually be willing to definitely do.' And so, of course, Trump, Putin, and even Zelenskyy don't take Europe seriously.” 17 hours ago
  • Majda Ruge
    Majda Ruge “There seems to be a group of EU countries who are clear that they are not going to be part of a poorly designed and hasty Trump deal, and who are focused on continuing their support to Ukraine.” 17 hours ago
  • Abdulaziz Alghashian
    Abdulaziz Alghashian “Many people are preparing themselves for something very negative on the horizon in regards to the ongoing yet fragile Gaza ceasefire. I think they sense that Netanyahu is someone who's really confident, especially after leaving Washington [and] getting a great deal of support from the White House for his dream of pushing people out of Palestine. The emboldened Israeli prime minister might, at some point, try to draw the United States into attacking Iranian nuclear facilities. Netanyahu is trying to create a great deal of instability so he could prolong his political career.” 17 hours ago
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#United States

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The IPSEs are presented in chronological order based on when the IPSEs have been pronounced.

“Many people are preparing themselves for something very negative on the horizon in regards to the ongoing yet fragile Gaza ceasefire. I think they sense that Netanyahu is someone who's really confident, especially after leaving Washington [and] getting a great deal of support from the White House for his dream of pushing people out of Palestine. The emboldened Israeli prime minister might, at some point, try to draw the United States into attacking Iranian nuclear facilities. Netanyahu is trying to create a great deal of instability so he could prolong his political career.”

Senior fellow at the Observer Research Foundation Middle East
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“We are living in an age of very dark impunity where war criminals are getting away with it. Benjamin Netanyahu went to Washington, DC, [to meet with US officials]. He has an arrest warrant at The Hague. He is laughing at international law. I cannot believe what we are witnessing now. It's almost as though we have absolutely let accountability go.”

Director of the Reckoning Project
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“I thanked Secretary Rubio for reaffirming that the US remains committed to supporting Ukraine. Achieving a comprehensive, just and lasting peace is our shared interest.”

Minister for Foreign Affairs of Ukraine
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“Jordan will survive economically if the US cuts aid over its refusal to accept forcibly displaced Palestinians from Gaza. The main pillar of Jordan's foreign policy is to establish a Palestinian state, not American aid. The most important things are intelligence cooperation, military cooperation, the use of military bases by US personnel. There are so many cards Jordan's government can play against the Trump policies. Trump tried to play this against Jordan during his first term when he tried to implement the so-called deal of the century. What's happening now is a continuation of that. The whole concept is to let the Israelis take over all of Palestine.”

Professor of international relations at Qatar University
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“There are voices which say that Europe could offer security guarantees without the Americans, and I always say no. Security guarantees without America are not real security guarantees. Those who are helping us to save Ukraine will [have the chance to] renovate it, with their businesses together with Ukrainian businesses. All these things we are ready to speak about in detail.”

President of Ukraine
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“It's essential to understand that when we talk about the principle of 'nothing about Ukraine without Ukraine,' we mean that decisions shouldn't be made without Ukraine's participation. Putin doesn't want negotiations, and he wants to decide Ukraine's fate without Ukraine's participation. He hopes that the United States and Russia will agree on Ukraine's fate, and Ukraine will become part of Russia's sphere of influence.”

Ukrainian MP and the chair of the parliamentary committee on foreign policy and interparliamentary relations
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“China really learned a lesson from the first Trump administration. It's not wise to immediately take a dramatic measure against Trump, because at the end of the day, we know for sure Trump is very transactional.”

Researcher at the Center for Strategic and International Studies
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“Whoever forms the next government in Kosovo must ensure that relations with Washington remain strong and intact. Kosovo cannot afford to be at odds with its allies. I would say, if you want a good relationship with the United States, make deals, get into the bazaar, be ready to negotiate. And I think that actions that are seen as causing difficulty will not go over well in Washington. Actions that are seen [as] advancing the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia will be greeted warmly in Washington.”

Senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)
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“This is a toe in the water, but not because Trump necessarily wants to tread carefully. This is a way to send a message and put everyone involved in moving Iranian oil on notice. One of his objectives now is to bankrupt Iran. Since [Trump] was last president, the sanctions community at large - public and private - have learned a lot about how to target a country's oil revenue and go after the broader infrastructure, largely from the experience with Russia's own shadow fleet. Curbing Iranian oil could be part of a broader conversation between Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping and that the recent sanctions provide a way to ramp up pressure on Tehran without fueling additional tensions with Beijing. China is the big problem to solve if you want to squeeze Iranian oil, but does Trump want a sanctions war with Xi?”

Director of the Center for Finance and Security at the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) in London
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“These sanctions, and what is sure to follow, will almost certainly have an impact. The question really is how big that impact might be. And that will ultimately depend on how seriously the Trump administration chooses to go after the Iranian oil trade.”

Middle East energy expert at the U.K.-based Argus Media
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“If I had the understanding that America and Europe would not abandon us, and that they would support us and give us security guarantees, then I would be ready for any format of negotiations.”

President of Ukraine
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“Today, I conveyed my willingness to cooperate together to elevate Japan's investment in the United States to an unprecedented amount of $1 trillion. President Trump and myself also concurred to elevate the Japan-US partnership to an even higher level through improving the business environment and increasing bilateral investment and employment. That will include strengthening each other's industries, leading the world in developing advanced technologies such as AI and leading edge semiconductors, and strongly promoting efforts to harness the energy of the growing market in the Indo-Pacific region.”

Japanese Prime Minister
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“Surveys suggest most Israelis support Trump's idea to forcibly displace Palestinians from Gaza. And of the course, the right in Israel see this as a dream come true - not only in Gaza. [They think that] if they can resettle Gaza, then maybe they can move on and annex the West Bank, maybe push more Palestinians out of the West Bank, and basically fulfil the dream of 'Greater Israel'. And this is very dangerous. And to this, the [growing influence of pro-Israeli] Christian evangelists in the United States, and we are in completely new and uncharted territory.”

Analyst at United Kingdom-based think tank Chatham House
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“US could already have begun to put its financial leverage over Egypt to use in the first days of the Gaza campaign. Egyptian reports suggest that the US offered financial incentives including debt relief to Egypt in exchange for accepting such a plan, which Sisi allegedly rejected. While the accuracy of these claims is uncertain, their circulation in the Egyptian press likely aims to reaffirm Egypt's long-standing stance on resettlement and rehabilitate Sisi's image as a defender of Palestinian rights. It is worth recalling that [former president and Muslim Brotherhood member] Mohamed Morsi was accused of colluding with Hamas in a land-sale and resettlement deal in the Sinai after being deposed by Sisi in 2013.”

PhD candidate in sociology at the University of California, Los Angeles
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“The Gaza Strip is not a free land for anyone to grab it. Those days in history are gone. Every piece of land in any country belongs to the people who live in this piece of land. Therefore, you know, we are determined to stay in the Gaza Strip.”

Palestinian ambassador to the United Nations
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“In the search for solutions on Gaza, we must not make the problem worse. It is vital to stay true to the bedrock of international law. It is essential to avoid any form of ethnic cleansing.”

Secretary-general of the United Nations
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“It would be a moral abomination. International humanitarian law forbids the forced displacement of the population of an occupied territory. When such forced displacement is widespread, it can amount to a war crime or a crime against humanity.”

Israel and Palestine Director, Human Rights Watch
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“I have news for you - we aren't taking over Gaza. But the media and the chattering class will focus on it for a few days and Trump will have succeeded in distracting everyone from the real story - the billionaires seizing government to steal from regular people.”

Democratic senator for Connecticut
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“Gaza MUST BE FREE from Hamas. As [US President Donald Trump] shared today, the United States stands ready to lead and Make Gaza Beautiful Again. Our pursuit is one of lasting peace in the region for all people.”

U.S. Secretary of State
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“Gaza is not a real estate development project for the United States government to own or take over. Gaza belongs to the Palestinian people. Distracting from the need to initiate political transformation to ensure that Hamas doesn't remain in control is unnecessary and harmful.”

Palestinian-American who is a resident senior fellow at the Atlantic Council
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