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  • Omar Baddar
    Omar Baddar “There is a serious division between Israel's military and political establishment over how to proceed. Military leaders realise there is no path to a better future for Israel out of this entire mess, and that it is time to simply end this war. The country's political leaders, however, have absolutely no interest in doing that.” 1 hour ago
  • Volodymyr Zelenskiy
    Volodymyr Zelenskiy “This is not a deadlock, this is just a problematic situation. A deadlock means there's no way out, but a problem... A problem can be solved if there is a desire and tools. We have the desire. But the tools... have not arrived, as they say. That means we have brigades with no weapons. We have a reserve. We have 14 brigades that are not equipped, and lack the necessary weapons, which they [Ukraine's partners] have already voted for. They said that the packages should come, but they [the deliveries] are slow.” 1 hour ago
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#Israeli officials

Page with all the IPSEs stored in the archive with the tag #Israeli officials linked to them.
The IPSEs are presented in chronological order based on when the IPSEs have been pronounced.

“The request submitted by the Court's prosecutor, Karim Khan, for arrest warrants against both Hamas and Israeli officials is an important step in the investigation of the situation in Palestine. Belgium will continue to support the essential work of international justice to ensure that those responsible for all crimes are held accountable.”

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Belgium
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“The food and water and medical supplies situation is critical and if this continues, then we move towards catastrophic, or even more catastrophic, consequences from the situation that we now see. International Committee of the Red Cross is constantly asking Israeli officials to allow access to humanitarian goods following the shutdown of the crossings. The Israeli officials know that we are desperate to bring in more supply trucks which we have waiting to cross the border as soon as they're able to. There's conversations also taking place about the need to spare civilian lives - no targeting of civilians, no targeting of civilian objects, meaning buildings, schools, medical facilities. Those talks have been happening for months.”

International Committee of the Red Cross spokesperson
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