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  • Lauren Easton
    Lauren Easton “The Associated Press decries in the strongest terms the actions of the Israeli government to shut down our longstanding live feed showing a view into Gaza and seize AP equipment. The shutdown was not based on the content of the feed but rather an abusive use by the Israeli government of the country's new foreign broadcaster law. We urge the Israeli authorities to return our equipment and enable us to reinstate our live feed immediately so we can continue to provide this important visual journalism to thousands of media outlets around the world.” 2 hours ago
  • Itamar Ben-Gvir
    Itamar Ben-Gvir “Israel should be the one that controls the Gaza Strip, unequivocally, and no one else. Most important is encouraging voluntary emigration of Palestinians from the enclave. Israel could then facilitate the return of settlements. I would love to live in Gaza if possible.” 2 hours ago
  • Donald Tusk
    Donald Tusk “An attempt to show that the prime minister of Israel and the leaders of terrorist organisations are the same, and the involvement of international institutions in this, is unacceptable.” 2 hours ago
  • Volodymyr Zelenskiy
    Volodymyr Zelenskiy “They [the Russian side] are always blocking everything, they will undermine the process, and they won't rest until they present us with their own plan for ending the war, which will inevitably be an ultimatum, as we have seen on many previous occasions. We can't hand the initiative over to them [...] Our agenda can't be dictated by Russia. This is a war against us, so there is justice in this. The goal of the summit is to come up, between Ukraine and its allies, with a joint stance on three key questions - and then to inform Russia of their position. If all countries support these three points, as I said, then a detailed step-by-step plan will be developed and presented to Russian representatives across different platforms that different countries have [...] Then Russia will have to contend with most of the world.” 2 hours ago
  • John Holman
    John Holman “Few question his ongoing legitimacy and he [Zelenskyy] remains popular. Although lower than before, his approval rating's still above 60 percent. Many Ukrainians also feel an election would be unrealistic and disrupt the war effort. In a poll this March [2024], 78 percent of those asked said they were against elections before the end of the war. But in addition to that there's also the practical difficulties. Some Ukrainian towns are in ruins. Many power plants have been hit so there's rolling blackouts. And perhaps most importantly, there's 8 million people displaced, 5 million outside the country.” 3 hours ago
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Page with all the IPSEs stored in the archive with the tag #Islam linked to them.
The IPSEs are presented in chronological order based on when the IPSEs have been pronounced.

“Afghanistan needs a small number of troops, not hundreds of thousands of troops ... We will try to collect and form a military from the committed, loyal ones, and those who love Islam and the country whether they are part of the former government or not.”

Foreign Minister of Afghanistan in the Taliban's government
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“Everyone criticised us for the punishments in the stadium, but we have never said anything about their laws and their punishments. No one will tell us what our laws should be. We will follow Islam and we will make our laws on the Quran. Cutting off of hands is very necessary for security. Our deeds will show that we are not like the Americans who say that they stand for human rights but committed terrible crimes. There will be no more torture and no more hunger. We have a constitution but we will introduce changes to it and, based on those changes, we will revise the civil and criminal codes and the rules for civilians. There will be much less prisoners because we will follow the rules of Islam, humane rules. People worry about some of our rules, for example cutting hands. But this is public demand. If you cut off a hand of a person, he will not commit the same crime again. People are now corrupt, extorting money from others, taking bribes. We will bring peace and stability. Once we introduce our rules, no one will dare to break them.”

Taliban leader in charge of prisons in Afghanistan and former justice minister in the 1996-2001 Taliban government in Afghanistan
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“We are going to allow women to work and study. We have got frameworks, of course. Women are going to be very active in the society but within the framework of Islam. There will be no discrimination against women. They are going to work shoulder to shoulder with us. There will be a difference when it comes to the actions we are going to take. We are committed to the media within our cultural frameworks. Private media can continue to be free and independent. They can continue their activities.”

Taliban spokesman
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“I hope we will see an end to this misunderstood tolerance and that all countries in Europe will finally realise how dangerous the ideology of political Islam is for our freedom and the European way of life.”

Austrian Chancellor
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“[Muslims] have to listen carefully to what Macron said in his speech. He doesn’t want to isolate Muslims in the West, and he is totally right. The French state has the right to search for ways to achieve this in parallel with combating extremism and societal closure.”

UAE minister of state for foreign affairs
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“There is no justification for such heinous terrorist attacks which contradict the tolerant teachings of Islam and all monotheistic religions. Terrorism has no religion, all Muslims are invited to condemn this criminal act that neither belongs to Islam nor to the peace-loving Prophet [Muhammad]”

Grand imam of Al-Azhar
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“Muslims have a right to be angry and to kill millions of French people for the massacres of the past. But by and large, the Muslims have not applied the ‘eye for an eye’ law. Muslims don’t. The French shouldn’t. Since you have blamed all Muslims and the Muslims’ religion for what was done by one angry person, the Muslims have a right to punish the French. The French should teach their people to respect other people’s feelings.”

Malaysia’s former prime minister
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“Muslims are the primary victims of the 'cult of hatred' - empowered by colonial regimes & exported by their own clients. Insulting 1.9B Muslims—& their sanctities—for the abhorrent crimes of such extremists is an opportunistic abuse of freedom of speech. It only fuels extremism.”

Foreign Minister of Iran
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“What is the problem of this person called Macron with Muslims and Islam? Macron needs treatment on a mental level. What else can be said to a head of state who does not understand freedom of belief and who behaves in this way to millions of people living in his country who are members of a different faith? First of all, have mental checks.”

Turkish President
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