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  • Benjamin Netanyahu
    Benjamin Netanyahu “But while Israel has shown willingness, Hamas remains entrenched in its extreme positions, first among them the demand to remove all our forces from the Gaza Strip, end the war, and leave Hamas in power. Israel cannot accept that.” 13 hours ago
  • Bernard Smith
    Bernard Smith “I know my colleagues who were working out of occupied East Jerusalem have now stopped working out of there, and both Arabic and English channels have stopped broadcasting from there. The reason that those of us here in Ramallah and Gaza are still operating is because this is the occupied Palestinian territories. The Cabinet decision applies in Israel and Israel's domestic territory. To close Al Jazeera's operations in this part of the occupied West Bank, a military order from the governor would be required. That hasn't come yet. The network might be looking at some legal appeal, but it's a 45-day closure for now. It could be extended again, but it gives the Israeli authorities the right to seize Al Jazeera's broadcasting equipment and cut the channel from cable and satellite broadcasters. We know that's already happened in the last couple of hours in Israel; any operators that have been broadcasting Al Jazeera English or Arabic now have a sign on their screens saying they're no longer allowed to transmit and receive Al Jazeera.” 14 hours ago
  • Omar Shakir
    Omar Shakir “Their [Al Jazeera] offices have been bombed in Gaza. Their staff have been beaten in the West Bank. They've been killed in the West Bank and Gaza. Rather than trying to silence reporting on its atrocities in Gaza, Israel should stop committing them.” 14 hours ago
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Page with all the IPSEs stored in the archive with the tag #Bosnia linked to them.
The IPSEs are presented in chronological order based on when the IPSEs have been pronounced.

“Serbia, negotiating its accession since 2014, has not opened any new chapters since December 2019. Montenegro, the frontrunner, is now carrying out talks on all EU dossiers, but there is no end in sight for that country either. Then, there is North Macedonia, which has been blocked from launching membership negotiations by its neighbour Bulgaria over a dispute about history and language. Albania, another hopeful, is a collateral damage because it is bundled together with the Macedonians. Bosnia and Kosovo are even further behind in the queue. Kosovars are frustrated that despite meeting all technical conditions they are still denied visa-free travel to the Schengen zone, unlike those living in the rest of the Western Balkans as well as post-Soviet republics such as Moldova, Georgia and Ukraine. Europe, it seems, is keeping the region at an arms-length, while continuing to occasionally pay lip service to demands for enlargement.”

Europe’s Futures Fellow at the Institute of Human Sciences in Vienna
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“The EU's waning soft power will slow down the democratisation process in the region and open space for other countries to walk in. There's no such a thing as a limbo in international relations … in the last… particularly five years let's say, China has been filling in the space which is neglected by Brussels. Moscow sees this as an opportunity and will increase its support to groups and politicians like Dodik [Milorad Dodik] in Bosnia or [Serbian President Aleksandar] Vucic in Belgrade or will do its best to keep the situation in Kosovo frozen.”

Professor at Boston University
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“What's really alarming is that there is still no Plan B. The situation is… already deteriorating, we're already having to deal with new kinds of security, instability threats and still, the EU is not articulating any kind of post-enlargement vision for the region. Russia is very involved in Bosnia. It's explicitly said it opposes Bosnia's membership in NATO, that it considers it a threat to Russia's security interests, which is of course preposterous. But it tells you the extent to which Russia has now elevated this region in its foreign policy thinking.”

Political Scientist
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“Serbia would have to abandon any EU ambitions if it acted militarily against Bosnia or Kosovo. But Vucic [Aleksandar Vucic] appears to have already given up on EU accession. The situation is dangerous. NATO needs to make clear that it will not tolerate Serbian mobilisation of forces against its neighbours, as it did last week against Kosovo, which has no army.”

Professor who served as the US special envoy and coordinator for the Federation entity
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“Vucic [Aleksandar Vucic] is preparing to use military force in Kosovo and Bosnia when international circumstances change in his favour - such as when US troops withdraw from KFOR (the NATO-led peacekeeping force in Kosovo) or when Russia - Serbia's ally - decides to directly intervene in the region. Russia-trained mercenaries in Bosnia and Montenegro are an integral part of the Serbian military strategy for the region. It is a carbon copy of [Russian President Vladimir] Putin's pre-invasion actions in Georgia and Ukraine. Vucic government officials have openly stated that Serbia will use military force in its neighbourhood, including a threat Vucic issued against NATO troops in Kosovo last week.”

Co-chair of the US-Europe Alliance organisation
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“I received the @DRC_ngo [Danish Refugee Council] report presented as evidence of push-backs and inhuman and degrading treatment of people at the Croatian border with Bosnia and Herzegovina. I am taking these reports very seriously. I am planning a thorough discussion with the Croatian authorities on these and other reports of fundamental rights violations. I will also discuss further development of the monitoring mechanism that the Croatian authorities put in place with the Commission’s financial support. Croatian authorities have committed to investigate reports of mistreatment at their external borders, monitor this situation closely and keep the Commission informed on progress made. Today I am meeting with ministers from the Western Balkans to discuss cooperation on migration management in light of the New Pact on Migration and Asylum. I reminded that effective border management must be conducted in full respect of fundamental rights.”

EU Commissioner for Home Affairs
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“We need to see action to put a stop to the systematic use of violence. Treating human beings like this, inflicting severe pain and causing unnecessary suffering, irrespective of their migratory status, cannot and should not be accepted by any European country, or by any EU institution. There is an urgent need to ensure that independent border monitoring mechanisms are in place to prevent these abuses, and to ensure that all reports of abuse are transparently and credibly investigated – and those responsible are held to account.”

Secretary-general of Danish Refugee Council
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“It is obvious that one of the intended effects of this behaviour is to humiliate refugees and migrants attempting to cross the border. As far as I see it, this is the result of either one of two motivations. Either the Croatian authorities committing these acts are using spray paint to identify and humiliate repeat border crossers or, more worryingly, they are using this as a tactic to psychologically traumatise these men – the majority of whom are Muslim – with a religious symbol.”

Activist with No Name Kitchen, NGO that operates in Velika Kladusa (Bosnia)
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