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  • Peter Harrell
    Peter Harrell “For the first time, the U.S. is shifting towards something that begins to look like ... an effort to set up a global financial embargo on Russia. The message here is really one to banks in China and Turkey and the UAE and elsewhere outside of the G7 they face sanctions for continuing to engage in transactions with the big Russian banks and other sanctioned Russian banks. This would likely spark a major retreat by those banks from Russia. That financial pullback, in turn, is probably going ... to complicate the flow of goods from countries that are continuing to trade with Russia.” 11 hours ago
  • Janet Yellen
    Janet Yellen “Today's actions strike at their remaining avenues for international materials and equipment, including their reliance on critical supplies from third countries. We are increasing the risk for financial institutions dealing with Russia's war economy and eliminating paths for evasion, and diminishing Russia's ability to benefit from access to foreign technology, equipment, software, and IT services. Every day, Russia continues to mortgage its future to sustain its unjust war of choice against Ukraine.” 11 hours ago
  • Marwan Bishara
    Marwan Bishara “He [Blinken] said the two proposals are virtually the same. But I will name you two important differences: One is that the Hamas proposal calls for the end of Israel's siege; the proposal outlined by the US does not. What's the point of this war or the past 20 years of four wars against Gaza if we're going to go back to square one where Israel imposes a siege on Gaza? So the Hamas proposal suggested ending the Israeli siege on Gaza. This new proposal does not. Two, there's the key difference between a permanent and temporary ceasefire. This proposal speaks of a temporary ceasefire. Hamas presented a permanent ceasefire. The difference lies in phase two, which says that Israel will withdraw from the Gaza Strip upon the agreement of the parties - which means Israel will have to agree. And there's every proof and demonstration that Israel does not want to end the war, and it keeps saying that this resolution will allow it to achieve its war objectives.” 14 hours ago
  • Jens Stoltenberg
    Jens Stoltenberg “No Hungarian personnel will take part in these activities and no Hungarian funds will be used to support them. At the same time, the prime minister has assured me that Hungary will not oppose these efforts, enabling other allies to move forward, and he has confirmed that Hungary will continue to meet its NATO commitments in full.” 14 hours ago
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Jun, 2024

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