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  • Emmanuel Macron
    Emmanuel Macron “If the Russians were to break through the front lines, if there were a Ukrainian request [of sending ground troops to Ukraine], which is not the case today, we would legitimately have to ask ourselves this question.” 2 hours ago
  • David Cameron
    David Cameron “We will give three billion pounds every year for as long as is necessary. We've just really emptied all we can in terms of giving equipment. The aid package was the largest from the UK so far. Some of that (equipment) is actually arriving in Ukraine today, while I'm here. Ukraine has a right to use the weapons provided by London to strike targets inside Russia, and that it was up to Kyiv whether to do so. Ukraine has that right. Just as Russia is striking inside Ukraine, you can quite understand why Ukraine feels the need to make sure it's defending itself.” 2 hours ago
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“There is no cap on mutual trust between China and Russia, no forbidden areas for strategic cooperation and no end to friendship for generations of the two countries. The two countries consider each other as their diplomatic priorities, which a strategic choice based on their long-term development, with the fundamental aim of benefiting the two countries' peoples and maintaining world peace and stability, international justice and equity. China-Russia relationship is a true example of a new type of a major-country relationship. China and Russia are not interested in the Cold War mentality of either friend or foe and the so-called alliances and small circles cobbled together on the basis of selfish interests. Any attempt to demonize and provoke trouble is doomed to fail. We are ready to continue working with Russia to move forward firmly in the direction outlined by our two heads of state, to fully unleash the huge potential and advantages of cooperation between the two countries, injecting more stability and positive energy into the turbulent and changing world.”

by: Lijian Zhao
