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  • Charles Michel
    Charles Michel “If they want to join the EU, they have to respect the fundamental principles of the rule of law and the democratic principles.” 1 minute ago
  • Antony Blinken
    Antony Blinken “Under our own ten-year agreement, the United States will support the defence and security across a range of essential capabilities - from its air force to its air defence, from drones to demining. If Russia or anyone else were to attack Ukraine, we will work with Ukraine immediately at the highest levels to coordinate how to help you beat back the threat.” 4 hours ago
  • Aleksey Kushch
    Aleksey Kushch “This is an unexpected, but, unfortunately for Ukraine, a very effective move. Unlike many top Russian officials, Belousov has not been involved in corruption scandals and has a reputation as a workaholic technocrat and a devout Orthodox Christian. Putin wants him to clean the Augean stables of the defence ministry so that military spending spearheads the resurgence of Russia's economy. The effectiveness of Russia's military-industrial complex will be boosted, and instead of being a 'black hole' of budget spendings, the defence ministry may become a driver of economic growth, when war spendings stimulate the growth of Russia's GDP.” 7 hours ago
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“The crisis in the travel and tourism sector caused by the COVID-19 epidemic will result in structural changes, both in terms of marketing Croatian tourist destinations and in terms of the structure of tourists and tourist consumption. The sector will have to adapt, but and this adjustment will take years. Today, Croatia has EU instruments at its disposal for recovery from the crisis, so a relatively quick recovery can still be expected”

by: Damir Novotny
