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  • Omar Baddar
    Omar Baddar “There is a serious division between Israel's military and political establishment over how to proceed. Military leaders realise there is no path to a better future for Israel out of this entire mess, and that it is time to simply end this war. The country's political leaders, however, have absolutely no interest in doing that.” 4 minutes ago
  • Volodymyr Zelenskiy
    Volodymyr Zelenskiy “This is not a deadlock, this is just a problematic situation. A deadlock means there's no way out, but a problem... A problem can be solved if there is a desire and tools. We have the desire. But the tools... have not arrived, as they say. That means we have brigades with no weapons. We have a reserve. We have 14 brigades that are not equipped, and lack the necessary weapons, which they [Ukraine's partners] have already voted for. They said that the packages should come, but they [the deliveries] are slow.” 8 minutes ago
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01 Jul 2024

“If you get 180-degree change between a Trump or a [current US President Joe] Biden administration on the general trajectory of the US, in Iran, with a change of presidency, you get a 45 percent difference - it's not insignificant but not as impactful as in other countries. There are elements of continuity that limit how much change one can see.”

Iran director of the International Crisis Group
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  • 01 July 2024
  • 02 July 2024
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