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  • Jens Stoltenberg
    Jens Stoltenberg “Russian forces are not capable of big breakthroughs on the battlefield in Ukraine, whereas Kyiv is inflicting significant damage on Russia with strikes deep into its territory. And we don't have any other indications or reasons to believe that Russia has the capabilities, the strength to make big breakthroughs. Russia had launched another offensive in Ukraine during the spring and summer, but so far [with] only marginal gains. Russia is likely to continue to push along the front lines and launch airstrikes in Ukraine. But what we have seen is that the Ukrainians have been able to hold the line. They have been able to continue to inflict heavy losses on the Russian invaders, both along the front line, but also by deep strikes.” 13 hours ago
  • Yoav Gallant
    Yoav Gallant “We do not want war, but we are preparing for every scenario. Hezbollah understands very well that we can inflict massive damage in Lebanon if a war is launched.” 13 hours ago
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01 Jun 2024

“I don't quite understand: does he [Donald Trump] really want to be a loser president afterwards? Let's imagine that Trump is the president and, for example, he decides to end the war at the expense of Ukraine. And somehow, in the dialogue, he gets confirmation from Putin on the Russian side that this is a stop, that's it. The Ukrainians will not put up with this, but he can then say: 'That's it, I'm not giving you any support, there are no weapons, there is no funding'. Maybe he will reach an agreement with some of his partners, and they will also stop [supporting Ukraine]. Of course, Ukraine cannot fight a multimillion-strong army without weapons. Let's just imagine it. And let's imagine for a second... I think it's 100% likely that this will happen, but let's imagine that it's 10% likely that Putin will not stop after that. What will this new president of the United States look like for the whole world, then? He will then be very weak, and this is not about his personality but about the institutional capacity of the United States. They will become very weak, they will not be leaders of the world. And then Putin will move on, realising that the United States is no longer such a [strong] player. And then other leaders of other countries, mostly authoritarian, will enter the arena. That's the end of the ceasefire, the beginning of what everyone is so afraid to talk about, a real World War III.”

President of Ukraine
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Date and Location
  • 01 June 2024
  • 01 June 2024
  • Not Specified