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  • Bernard Smith
    Bernard Smith “I know my colleagues who were working out of occupied East Jerusalem have now stopped working out of there, and both Arabic and English channels have stopped broadcasting from there. The reason that those of us here in Ramallah and Gaza are still operating is because this is the occupied Palestinian territories. The Cabinet decision applies in Israel and Israel's domestic territory. To close Al Jazeera's operations in this part of the occupied West Bank, a military order from the governor would be required. That hasn't come yet. The network might be looking at some legal appeal, but it's a 45-day closure for now. It could be extended again, but it gives the Israeli authorities the right to seize Al Jazeera's broadcasting equipment and cut the channel from cable and satellite broadcasters. We know that's already happened in the last couple of hours in Israel; any operators that have been broadcasting Al Jazeera English or Arabic now have a sign on their screens saying they're no longer allowed to transmit and receive Al Jazeera.” 15 minutes ago
  • Omar Shakir
    Omar Shakir “Their [Al Jazeera] offices have been bombed in Gaza. Their staff have been beaten in the West Bank. They've been killed in the West Bank and Gaza. Rather than trying to silence reporting on its atrocities in Gaza, Israel should stop committing them.” 20 minutes ago
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17 Aug 2021

“First, there was widespread corruption in Afghanistan's defence and interior ministries where funds, ammunition and food deliveries were stolen before reaching the soldiers on the ground. The ammunition and other equipment were sold on the black market, eventually ending up in the Taliban's hands. Second, the embezzlement and corruption undermined morale within the ranks of the army. Third, there was also no ideological cohesion within the army or a sense of national duty and belonging. In fact, there was significant mistrust towards the country's political leadership. No Afghan soldier was ready to fight and die to defend President Ashraf Ghani or the government. Fourth, continuous political interference and reshuffling of office holders as high as interior and defence ministers, governors and police chiefs also affected the ANDSF's [Afghan National Defence Security Forces] battlefield performance. Fifth, the Taliban's smart military strategy of taking control of major border crossings, main highways and besieging the big cities crippled Kabul's ability to send reinforcements and supplies. Finally, despite receiving years of training and billions of dollars worth of equipment, the ANDSF never developed the capacity to stand on its own. In fact, it was entirely dependent on the US and NATO troops to protect urban areas.”

Research fellow at the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS), Singapore
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Date and Location
  • 17 August 2021
  • 21 August 2021
  • Not Specified