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  • Jens Stoltenberg
    Jens Stoltenberg “Russian forces are not capable of big breakthroughs on the battlefield in Ukraine, whereas Kyiv is inflicting significant damage on Russia with strikes deep into its territory. And we don't have any other indications or reasons to believe that Russia has the capabilities, the strength to make big breakthroughs. Russia had launched another offensive in Ukraine during the spring and summer, but so far [with] only marginal gains. Russia is likely to continue to push along the front lines and launch airstrikes in Ukraine. But what we have seen is that the Ukrainians have been able to hold the line. They have been able to continue to inflict heavy losses on the Russian invaders, both along the front line, but also by deep strikes.” 13 hours ago
  • Yoav Gallant
    Yoav Gallant “We do not want war, but we are preparing for every scenario. Hezbollah understands very well that we can inflict massive damage in Lebanon if a war is launched.” 14 hours ago
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June, 2024

“Where I am standing now in Deir el-Balah, this is pretty much the only area in Gaza that is relatively speaking still standing. Every single other part of this tiny stretch of land has been rendered totally and completely uninhabitable. And in the north, you not only have a shortage of basic food items and hygiene items, but you also have people trying to live on top of the rubble of their homes where their loved ones were killed. Most will tell you that they barely recognise themselves or their own people. There are very real fears about the lawlessness that is growing, the criminal activity, the looting, which is leading to conversations about who is going to restore the moral code that existed among people.”

Founder of the International Network for Aid, Relief and Assistance (INARA)
26 Jun 2024 5 2
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“It is not difficult to understand why most Iranians are angry. Living standards and poverty may have improved in the last two years, but this is not true going back a decade or two. The new president can inject hope and stop the conditions from getting worse, but not get Iran back to the 2000s.”

Professor of Economics at Virginia Tech
26 Jun 2024 2 3
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