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  • Jens Stoltenberg
    Jens Stoltenberg “Russian forces are not capable of big breakthroughs on the battlefield in Ukraine, whereas Kyiv is inflicting significant damage on Russia with strikes deep into its territory. And we don't have any other indications or reasons to believe that Russia has the capabilities, the strength to make big breakthroughs. Russia had launched another offensive in Ukraine during the spring and summer, but so far [with] only marginal gains. Russia is likely to continue to push along the front lines and launch airstrikes in Ukraine. But what we have seen is that the Ukrainians have been able to hold the line. They have been able to continue to inflict heavy losses on the Russian invaders, both along the front line, but also by deep strikes.” 13 hours ago
  • Yoav Gallant
    Yoav Gallant “We do not want war, but we are preparing for every scenario. Hezbollah understands very well that we can inflict massive damage in Lebanon if a war is launched.” 14 hours ago
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June, 2024

“The intense phase of the fighting against Hamas is about to end. It doesn't mean that the war is about to end, but the war in its intense phase is about to end in Rafah. We also want to create a civilian administration, if possible with local Palestinians and maybe with external backing from countries in the region, to manage humanitarian supply and later on, civilian affairs in the Strip. At the end of it, there's two things that need to happen: we need ongoing demilitarisation by the [Israeli military] and the establishment of a civilian administration.”

Prime Minister of Israel
23 Jun 2024 2 2
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“The remaining week of June and the first half of July will be no less productive for Ukraine than May and the first half of June. We have already received decisions on new Patriot [air defence systems] for Ukraine and are working on more. We are working on obtaining additional air defence systems. Long-range [weapons] aren't just about what we can achieve on the battlefield, but about when this war might come to an end. The more we can do, the sooner we will be able to get Russia to accept just and fair peace.”

President of Ukraine
23 Jun 2024 3 2
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“In the end, the only outcome of this perplexing event, which attempted to resolve an armed conflict without the involvement of the side that started it, was the death of the very 'peace formula' it strove to promote. The communique signed by 81 participants at the summit doesn't even begin to outline the contours of a possible settlement. It only covers three important but secondary issues - Ukraine's grain export, the safety of nuclear power stations and the return of war prisoners and Ukrainian children removed by the Russians from the warzone into Russia. But even so, key players like Brazil, India and Saudi Arabia avoided signing it, arguing that a forum aiming to achieve peace with Russia makes little sense in Russia's absence.”

Freelance journalist based in Riga
23 Jun 2024 4 1
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“What we still see today is obviously just a level of destruction and dispossession that is far greater than I've probably ever seen anywhere else in the world in any other war. There's so much more to do. Every child I've met today in Gaza said the same thing. They are dreaming of eating vegetables, they're dreaming of eating meat. It's barely a life.”

Palestine director of the World Food Programme
23 Jun 2024 3 2
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“If we see that the challenges and threats increase, it means that we can correct something in [the doctrine] regarding the timing of the use of nuclear weapons and the decision to make this use.”

Head of the Russian lower house of parliament’s defence committee
23 Jun 2024 1 1
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