“You have to look at what would be enduring and what would make sure that the program doesn't come back. So one of the things you have to assess is: If that were to happen, would Iran simply rebuild and rebuild even deeper underground in a place that would be even harder to get to? Iran has accumulated enough fissile material necessary for a nuclear weapon and could upgrade material to bomb-grade quality within a week or so. However, actually developing a weapon would take far longer. Iran is going to be faced with decisions of its own of how it wants to move forward, but I think the incoming administration would have an opportunity precisely because Iran's on its back feet - the - it's suffering economically in a terrible way. Its people are disputing so much of what the regime has done, particularly in meddling in the affairs of other countries throughout the region. This is a moment of opportunity, and maybe a moment of opportunity to resolve in an enduring way the nuclear challenge posed by Iran, but also the actions that Iran takes throughout the region.”
13 Jan 2025
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