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  • Jimmy Rushton
    Jimmy Rushton “Shoigu's replacement with a (relatively experienced and apparently competent) economist [Andrei Belousov] pretty clearly signals Putin believes victory in Ukraine will come via outproducing (and outlasting) Ukraine and her Western allies. He's preparing for many more years of war.” 2 hours ago
  • Konstantin Sonin
    Konstantin Sonin “Things are not going according to Putin's plan, but he will endlessly rotate the same small group of loyalists. Putin has always feared to bring new people to the positions of authority - even in the best of times, they must have been nobodies with no own perspectives. Toward the end of his rule, even more so.” 2 hours ago
  • Mark Galeotti
    Mark Galeotti “With an economist taking over the Defence Ministry, and the old minister taking up a policy and advisory role, the technocrats are in the ascendant. The goal though is not peace, but a more efficient war. As Putin digs in for the long term, with the 'special military operation' now being the central organising principle of his regime, he knows he needs technocrats to keep his war machine going.” 2 hours ago
  • Jeff Hawn
    Jeff Hawn “This indicates that the Kremlin is not seeking an exit from Ukraine, but once to extend their ability to endure the conflict as long as possible. Russia is very limited [on] how much they can increase scale, due to economic deficiencies. However, they can maintain a certain level of attritional warfare. And are likely hoping to do that longer than Ukraine can.” 2 hours ago
  • Dmitry Peskov
    Dmitry Peskov “Today, the winner on the battlefield is the one who is more open to innovation, more open to implementation as quickly as possible. It is natural that at the current stage the president [Vladimir Putin] decided that the Ministry of Defence should be headed by a civilian [Andrei Belousov].” 2 hours ago
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US policy in the Middle East - Biden administration

Page with all the IPSEs stored in the archive related to the Context US policy in the Middle East - Biden administration.
The IPSEs are presented in chronological order based on when the IPSEs have been pronounced.

“Biden, who promised to put human rights at the centre of his foreign policy, has ignored US clients' human rights violations and has been supporting strongmen who rule with an iron fist, while the region teeters under violent sectarian and authoritarian regimes. Washington cannot in good conscience claim to confront Russia and China in the name of democracy, human rights and the preservation of sovereignty, while appeasing colonialism and dictatorship in the Middle East or elsewhere. It is hypocritical and it is counterproductive.”

Senior political analyst at Al Jazeera
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“With the Iran nuclear deal still up in the air and the war in Yemen continuing to rage, Biden's approach to the Middle East is very similar to that of Trump. The deeper down, the substance, is not as different as one might have imagined. So, it's more one of style.”

Research fellow at the James A Baker III Institute for Public Policy at Rice University
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“I don't think there's a broader Middle East policy right now. What there is, is managing the mess they inherited.”

President of the Arab American Institute (AAI), a Washington, DC-based think-tank
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