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  • Omar Baddar
    Omar Baddar “There is a serious division between Israel's military and political establishment over how to proceed. Military leaders realise there is no path to a better future for Israel out of this entire mess, and that it is time to simply end this war. The country's political leaders, however, have absolutely no interest in doing that.” 48 minutes ago
  • Volodymyr Zelenskiy
    Volodymyr Zelenskiy “This is not a deadlock, this is just a problematic situation. A deadlock means there's no way out, but a problem... A problem can be solved if there is a desire and tools. We have the desire. But the tools... have not arrived, as they say. That means we have brigades with no weapons. We have a reserve. We have 14 brigades that are not equipped, and lack the necessary weapons, which they [Ukraine's partners] have already voted for. They said that the packages should come, but they [the deliveries] are slow.” 53 minutes ago
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US 2024 Election - Israel's War on Gaza and Consequences for Joe Biden

Page with all the IPSEs stored in the archive related to the Context US 2024 Election - Israel's War on Gaza and Consequences for Joe Biden.
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“There is something to critics who have called the US a bit apocryphal in the way they're supporting Ukraine but also continuing unfettered support to Israel when there are real questions about the [Israeli army's] conduct in Gaza. There's a lot of soul-searching going on within the Biden administration. That's going to be another important factor come November - Biden's Gaza policy and what happens next with this attempt to bring a ceasefire to Gaza and figure out a post-conflict scenario.”

Senior research fellow at the US-based Soufan Centre
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“This is a proposal that was effectively present from day one. Since October to this day, this is effectively the deal that was on the table, and it was Israeli rejectionism that kept us from achieving that deal where there's an end in the war in exchange for hostages and prisoners. President Biden understands having this war drag well past his election is not going to be something that actually works for him politically. … I think that this is why he's putting his foot down at this point and placing enormous pressure upon Israel to accept the ceasefire deal. He's presenting it as an Israeli offer, interestingly enough, but I think that's more of a means to try to put Netanyahu in a spot where it becomes more difficult for him to say no to this. Because we know that this is the deal Netanyahu has already said no to.”

US-based political analyst
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“It would be politically dangerous for Biden and the Democratic Party if the war continued through the US election in November. It means that, if there is not something very dramatic the president does, then this is not going to be an easy election for him. Biden does not only risk losing the support of Arab voters. Young people, Black people, Asian people are following this on a daily basis, seeing a genocide unfolding. They're not insensitive to what they're seeing. They're horrified. And then the president says, 'No red line was crossed. Let's just continue doing what we're doing.' It is infuriating and hurtful.”

President of the Arab American Institute (AAI), a Washington, DC-based think-tank
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“There is no doubt that the war on Gaza will diminish Biden's re-election chances. The signs are clear. The writing is on the wall. And should Biden decide to continue this lockstep support for Israel for another seven months, it's not only going to kill tens of thousands more Palestinians, but it's also going to lose him the election.”

Lecturer at Georgetown University’s Justice and Peace programme
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