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  • Joe Biden
    Joe Biden “It's a humanitarian crisis in Gaza. I am working on a deal to end the fighting and build a lasting and durable peace. Leadership is about fighting through the most intractable problem. It's about channeling anger, frustration and heartbreak to find a solution. It's about doing what you believe is right, even when it's hard and lonely.” 12 hours ago
  • Sylvain Ekenge
    Sylvain Ekenge “An attempted coup d'etat has been put down by the defence and security forces. The attempt involved foreigners and Congolese. These foreigners and Congolese have been put out of action, including their leader.” 14 hours ago
  • Martin Griffiths
    Martin Griffiths “When very, very experienced humanitarian aid workers, who have been in all kinds of places around the world for decades, when they go to Gaza - to help, to serve, to work - it is traumatising for them. So, God help what it must be for the people of Gaza. It is really difficult and it's getting worse daily. We meet with Israelis daily through COGAT, the committee set up for this purpose. We have many detailed discussions with them about security, about the movement of our trucks and convoys, about the priorities for fuel, but the fact of the matter is, we are not in a position to provide proper aid to the people of Gaza. Right now, it's not ever been quite as difficult as it is today. Much more can be done and ideally, obviously and hopefully this [Israeli military] operation needs to stop.” 15 hours ago
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UK international profile post-Brexit

Page with all the IPSEs stored in the archive related to the Context UK international profile post-Brexit.
The IPSEs are presented in chronological order based on when the IPSEs have been pronounced.

“What is clear is that, initially at least, Brexit is making us poorer. It has contributed to labour shortages in many business sectors as EU workers have returned home. There are grievances that run deep in specific sectors that were promised much and got almost nothing. Fishermen feel betrayed. Farmers are uncertain that a replacement subsidy and payments regime will be all it is being cracked up to be. Small businesses which export to the EU have been hit by extra costs and paperwork.”

Observer's Political Editor
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“The main message is that the UK has been talking a big game on divergence. Frost has spoken repeatedly about the long dark years of EU membership and the need for change to free up growth and innovation but it has just not been followed through. If you look at the most significant policy changes in the budget or the net zero strategy there is very little that could not have been done inside the EU. In agriculture, city regulation, and areas such as green taxation and fintech, new ideas and progress on divergence are evident but in big areas such VAT little or nothing has happened. There is no joined up thinking on divergence strategy across government. The reason is that while replacing all EU regulation sounds neat, in practice it is complex and costly for business. I think the UK is finding that it is really difficult to develop and there is more bureaucracy rather than less once you try to change everything. The cost of getting all UK companies stamped with a UK mark rather than an EU mark … it is not worth the cost.”

Researcher at the independent thinktank UK in a Changing Europe
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“Lord Frost refused to have any form of structured relationship on foreign and defence policy post-Brexit with the EU - though the EU wanted one - and we are paying a very heavy price as a result. We lack intelligence about what is happening in the EU because we don't have any regular system of meetings with people in Brussels. We can't influence what is going on because we are not in the room. On issues such as Russia, China and climate issues the British - even outside the EU - could have a degree of influence because we have good people and real expertise.”

Director of the thinktank the Centre for European Reform
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“It does for the first time start to flesh out Global Britain. We're starting to build a real presence, in the defense and economic spheres, in that part of the world.”

Former British diplomat who served as the British Ambassador to the United States
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