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  • Jimmy Rushton
    Jimmy Rushton “Shoigu's replacement with a (relatively experienced and apparently competent) economist [Andrei Belousov] pretty clearly signals Putin believes victory in Ukraine will come via outproducing (and outlasting) Ukraine and her Western allies. He's preparing for many more years of war.” 7 hours ago
  • Konstantin Sonin
    Konstantin Sonin “Things are not going according to Putin's plan, but he will endlessly rotate the same small group of loyalists. Putin has always feared to bring new people to the positions of authority - even in the best of times, they must have been nobodies with no own perspectives. Toward the end of his rule, even more so.” 7 hours ago
  • Mark Galeotti
    Mark Galeotti “With an economist taking over the Defence Ministry, and the old minister taking up a policy and advisory role, the technocrats are in the ascendant. The goal though is not peace, but a more efficient war. As Putin digs in for the long term, with the 'special military operation' now being the central organising principle of his regime, he knows he needs technocrats to keep his war machine going.” 7 hours ago
  • Jeff Hawn
    Jeff Hawn “This indicates that the Kremlin is not seeking an exit from Ukraine, but once to extend their ability to endure the conflict as long as possible. Russia is very limited [on] how much they can increase scale, due to economic deficiencies. However, they can maintain a certain level of attritional warfare. And are likely hoping to do that longer than Ukraine can.” 8 hours ago
  • Dmitry Peskov
    Dmitry Peskov “Today, the winner on the battlefield is the one who is more open to innovation, more open to implementation as quickly as possible. It is natural that at the current stage the president [Vladimir Putin] decided that the Ministry of Defence should be headed by a civilian [Andrei Belousov].” 8 hours ago
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Second wave of Covid-19 pandemic - Canada

Page with all the IPSEs stored in the archive related to the Context Second wave of Covid-19 pandemic - Canada.
The IPSEs are presented in chronological order based on when the IPSEs have been pronounced.

“The first lockdown was extreme. Everything was closed, everything, and people were really discouraged from even leaving their houses as well. People were terrified and so they were more likely to comply. Now, there isn't a lockdown - some businesses are closed but many are open still. So people are still going about their business, people are still socializing, because the fear is gone.”

Global health epidemiologist and associate professor at the University of Ottawa
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“Our best protection, now and into the holiday season, is to limit errands and outings to the essentials, keep in-person social activities to our existing household and strictly and consistently maintain public health practices. That doesn't mean we can't continue to find safe ways to have the meaningful celebrations that are so important for maintaining our traditions and social connections. We have seen how creative Canadians can be, from online game nights and sharing special meals together virtually with people outside our household, to warmly dressed, physically distanced walkabouts and cheering our neighbours with decorated balconies, windows and lawns.”

Canada's Chief Public Health Officer
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“We are not on a good trajectory. I think across the board, across Canada, we have to say the time is now, with urgency, that we limit contacts. However that is being done at the local level, that is the underlying principle. Keep those contacts down by restrictions and of course each individual doing their work. This won't be forever. Recently there has been some really good news about vaccine development. Keep this beacon of hope in mind as we all come together, apart, to do what is needed. Right now every effort you make as an individual matters.”

Canada's Chief Public Health Officer
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“How is it possible that we could come close to approaching the green zone by the end of December, which coincides with the time that [the province's] modelling shows we could be at 6,500 cases per day with over 400 patients in the ICU? So this begs the question, why is there such a disconnect between what Dr. Williams says and what I view from my perspective at the bedside? That's a question that I don't have the answer for — but it's a question that we should all be asking, because Dr. Williams is the person who advises the premier, and the premier is the person who makes decisions.”

Medical director of critical care at Michael Garron Hospital
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“In the last few months there has been this very prevalent feeling ideologically that the economy trumps lives and that we can somehow sacrifice our older population. At some point that falls apart, the health care system is overwhelmed and there’s a need to put even longer and heavier lockdowns.”

Emergency physician at the Rockyview General Hospital in Calgary - Canada
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“We all want this to be over, but it’s not going to be over for many more months. How bad it gets in the coming months depends on all of us. Provinces need to make the right decisions around bringing in rules that will limit close contacts, limit the spread of Covid-19, in places that are appropriate for them.”

Prime Minister of Canada
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“One of the things that I did highlight is that our resources are not infinite at the federal government, whether it comes to support on contact tracing, extra support on [personal protective equipment], support through the military or the Red Cross. We are there to support the provinces as they handle this pandemic. But there is a threshold beyond which when the cases spike too much, we might have to make really difficult choices about where to deploy the limited resources we have. Controlling the virus now reduces the impossible decisions and choices we might have to make down the road.”

Prime Minister of Canada
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“We’re in the middle of a second wave. Ontario and Quebec are getting hit particularly hard. This is not where he wants to be at all. He’s commiserating with people; he feels our pain and it’s his pain too. We’re seeing political leaders in Canada use more blunt, plain language. Not because it’s overtly strategic, but because we’re in a crisis and we’re stuck here and we hate it.”

Professor of political science at Dalhousie university
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“We are in an unprecedented global pandemic that… really sucks. It’s tough going through this second wave. It’s frustrating having shut down all of us – our lives through the spring – and now be forced to make more difficult choices, and knowing that it’s going to be a tough winter ahead as well.”

Prime Minister of Canada
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“We're at a tipping point in this pandemic. Not only is the second wave underway, yesterday we hit the highest daily recorded cases, well above what saw this spring. We flattened the curve before, we can do it again. We've seen tremendous variances in effectiveness of various measures and in population behaviors. Let's make no mistakes about it. The second wave is really frustrating for a whole bunch of people who've been through this spring and who don't want to see this happen right now. A whole bunch of us would love to see this simply go away, well it will only go away if we all do our part.”

Prime Minister of Canada
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