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  • Emmanuel Macron
    Emmanuel Macron “If the Russians were to break through the front lines, if there were a Ukrainian request [of sending ground troops to Ukraine], which is not the case today, we would legitimately have to ask ourselves this question.” 22 hours ago
  • David Cameron
    David Cameron “We will give three billion pounds every year for as long as is necessary. We've just really emptied all we can in terms of giving equipment. The aid package was the largest from the UK so far. Some of that (equipment) is actually arriving in Ukraine today, while I'm here. Ukraine has a right to use the weapons provided by London to strike targets inside Russia, and that it was up to Kyiv whether to do so. Ukraine has that right. Just as Russia is striking inside Ukraine, you can quite understand why Ukraine feels the need to make sure it's defending itself.” 22 hours ago
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Russia war in Ukraine - The Buryats soldiers

Page with all the IPSEs stored in the archive related to the Context Russia war in Ukraine - The Buryats soldiers.
The IPSEs are presented in chronological order based on when the IPSEs have been pronounced.

“We can't determine our own politics - if we had a real federation, the head of our republic could say no, Buryats won't fight in this criminal war. But he keeps providing cannon fodder for Putin. Buryatia, like the other ethnic republics, is governed by the colonial policies of Moscow. Our languages and history are disappearing off the face of the Earth, while Moscow sucks all the money and resources out of the provinces. Moscow is a beautiful city but it's such a facade of all of Russia, because if you go just a little further, the houses are falling apart, there are no roads, there's no work. Contractors [soldiers] and their families are always writing to us, saying that they don't want to fight, but there are many obstacles along the way. Some of them are being held back on occupied territories [of Ukraine], and they're pressured, threatened, afraid they'll be sent to the front line to be killed. When they submit their refusal, they're asked 'Who will defend the motherland?' They reply if someone attacks their motherland they'll defend it, but they see no motherland in Ukraine. We know we can't influence Vladimir Putin directly, but the less cannon fodder he has at his disposal, the sooner this war will end.”

Leader of the Free Buryatia Foundation
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