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    Joe Biden “I know I'm not a young man, to state the obvious. I don't walk as easy as I used to, I don't speak as smoothly as I used to, I don't debate as well as I used to. I would not be running again if I didn't believe with all my heart and soul that I could do this job. The stakes are too high.” 23 hours ago
  • Osama Hamdan
    Osama Hamdan “Hamas is still ready to deal positively with any ceasefire proposal that ends the war. Famine continues to threaten the lives of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, especially in Gaza City and the northern areas, blaming Israel for not allowing in food, water, medicine, and fuel. Many international organisations have confirmed that the population of the Gaza Strip, which numbers 2.3 million people, needs the delivery of at least 500 aid trucks per day.” 23 hours ago
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Hamas - Israel war - Situation at the Al-Aqsa hospital

Page with all the IPSEs stored in the archive related to the Context Hamas - Israel war - Situation at the Al-Aqsa hospital.
The IPSEs are presented in chronological order based on when the IPSEs have been pronounced.

“The bombardment continues intensely and it is very hard for the emergency responders to reach the killed and injured Palestinians. They are telling us that there are still people on the roads and under the rubble that they could not reach.”

Al Jazeera’s journalist reporting from Deir el-Balah in central Gaza
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“It's a nightmare at Al-Aqsa. There have been back-to-back mass casualties as densely populated areas are bombed. It's way beyond what anyone could deal with in a functional hospital, let alone with the scarce resources we have here. How many more men, women and children have to be killed before world leaders decide to put an end to this massacre?”

Doctors Without Borders coordinator in Gaza
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“The problem at the hospital [Al-Aqsa Hospital] here is represented by something above emergency. There are exhausted medical staff inside the hospital - for the past eight months, non-stop work, as well as the huge influx of injuries coming to the hospital. We have two other factors, important factors that are affecting the work of the hospital. One of which is the lack of fuel to keep it sustainable. The hospital is resorting to its solar panel systems on the rooftop, but this is not sufficient enough to run the operating rooms, to run the ICU or incubators for babies. It's only sufficient to keep on the lighting. The other important factor that is crippling the hospital's ability to intervene properly is the acute shortage of medical supplies. We're talking about almost a month now of no medical supplies.”

Al Jazeera’s journalist reporting from Deir el-Balah
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“As Israeli military strikes continued last night in the Middle Area, Al-Aqsa hospital is barely coping with the influx of patients and dead people. It's a scene of devastation. This hospital is a sinking ship. The scene inside the emergency room of Al-Aqsa hospital is even worse than yesterday. They had no chance to re-organise after yesterday's mass influx of casualties, and now they have been struck with another. And yet, the medical staff is saying 'we are not giving up on our patients', and I can definitely see that. I am just not sure for how long it will be sustainable.”

Emergency Medical Referent at Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)
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