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  • Benjamin Netanyahu
    Benjamin Netanyahu “Our forces are operating in Rafah, Shejaia, everywhere in the Gaza Strip. Dozens of terrorists are being eliminated every day. This is a difficult fight that is being waged above ground, sometimes in hand-to-hand combat, and below ground as well. We are committed to fighting until we achieve all of our objectives: Eliminating Hamas, returning all of our hostages, ensuring that Gaza never again constitutes a threat to Israel and returning our residents securely to their homes in the south and the north.” 2 minutes ago
  • Joe Biden
    Joe Biden “I know I'm not a young man, to state the obvious. I don't walk as easy as I used to, I don't speak as smoothly as I used to, I don't debate as well as I used to. I would not be running again if I didn't believe with all my heart and soul that I could do this job. The stakes are too high.” 23 hours ago
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Hamas - Israel war - Israeli forces rescue four captives

Page with all the IPSEs stored in the archive related to the Context Hamas - Israel war - Israeli forces rescue four captives.
The IPSEs are presented in chronological order based on when the IPSEs have been pronounced.

“They said that this operation will be [under] very complicated and dangerous circumstances. I knew that, but without hesitation, I decided to do this operation because they were Israeli captives, and I trusted the heroes in Yamam and Shabak [special police commandos and internal security] who attacked and freed the captives. Now the captives are with us. The captives are the gold and the diamond we are keen to return back. It is an operation that will be written in history, yes we know that we have to pay the price but I also know the heroes will be always mentioned in the book and the history of Israel.”

Prime Minister of Israel
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“Scores of civilians and many children were killed today in the Israeli operation and they may not be mentioned or will be a footnote in today's news at best. As you smile seeing a father finally embracing his daughter in Tel Aviv, shed a tear for the father having to bury his daughter in Gaza. There is a way for Palestinian and Israeli families to be reunited in life not in death. That is the success we should all be striving for. After eight months of massacres, Israel will use today's images to try and justify the killing of 36,000 Palestinians and the destruction of the lives of 2.3 million Palestinians. Don't let it.”

Palestinian Deputy Ambassador to the UN
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