• Theresa Fallon
    Theresa Fallon “Many people would like to see China play a constructive role, but I think now that we're in the third year of the war, this idea is wearing a bit thin.” 19 hours ago
  • Mahjoob Zweiri
    Mahjoob Zweiri “What we have witnessed in the past few hours is that they talk about an agreement on the first stage. It could be understood that Hamas wants to release itself from the pressure globally, including the United States. So, they are giving concessions on the first stage, which leads to 40 days of ceasefire and exchange of captives. I think 33 old and sick captives. And then moving on to other stages. But we are seeing that we are going back to the main conditions, which means we are still talking about the main principles [complete ceasefire and withdrawal of Israeli forces from Gaza] that Hamas talked about. As the time of some sort of agreement on the first stage came, the Israeli military and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu came to say actually, there is no agreement: We will go to Rafah regardless of any agreement. It reflects the divisions within the Israelis and crisis within the Israeli politics. On the other hand, Hamas has been more cautious. They do not want to show real progress made but they also do not want to say things have not changed. I think it's obvious some change has happened otherwise we would not expect [CIA chief] William Burns to be in the region.” 19 hours ago
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France politics

Page with all the IPSEs stored in the archive related to the Context France politics.
The IPSEs are presented in chronological order based on when the IPSEs have been pronounced.

“Now that Le Pen has lost, Macron will push for a full energy embargo, as he has already said that France doesn't depend on Russian gas. The French president will also build on recent heavy artillery transfers to Ukraine and the 100 million euros [$106m] in arms sent in the first two months of the war. With the election pressure gone, Macron will have more freedom to engage with Putin diplomatically while making French policy towards Russia tougher.”

Doctoral candidate in international relations at the University of Oxford’s St Antony’s College
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“His [Éric Zemmour] words are extremely harsh towards minorities, immigrants, refugees, because there is a political continuum. His ideology carries him and makes him a man of the far-right.”

French Jewish historian who researches anti-Semitism
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“We're in a new phase. What we're seeing is the result of what has been happening in France for the past 15 years: the collapse of the left, which is now silent on immigration, and the rise of the extreme right, which ultimately may not win the elections but is setting the terms of the debate.”

Expert on the far right who teaches at the Institute of Political Studies in Lyon
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“To understand the rise of someone with such extremist views, it is important to recognise the changing dynamics within the French right, as well as the way the centre of political gravity in the country has moved rightwards. Zemmour's rise has coincided with a drop in support for Marine Le Pen of the Rassemblement National - even if the sociological makeup of the two candidates' supporters differs, as women, young people and blue-collar workers are inclined toward Le Pen, while men, older people and the upper middle class tend to favour Zemmour.”

Professor at the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, and director of studies at the École des Hautes Études, Paris
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“Hidalgo's [Anne Hidalgo] background is one of her main selling points. She is putting forward her personal story as this daughter of a working-class Spanish immigrant [family] who has made it to become the mayor of Paris, the world-class capital in the country. So that's the kind of achievement that she is promoting, saying I want everybody else to have the same kind of opportunities that I have had. She has a programme … against inequality, more education, more social assistance for the poor. One of the weaknesses of her candidacy is that being the mayor of Paris obviously gives her a lot of visibility and importance, but it's also a handicap. Outside Paris, people resent the centrality of the capital, and they resent what they see as the arrogance from Parisians, so being the mayor of Paris is not necessarily the best asset.”

French journalist, co-founder of Rue 89
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