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  • Benjamin Netanyahu
    Benjamin Netanyahu “But while Israel has shown willingness, Hamas remains entrenched in its extreme positions, first among them the demand to remove all our forces from the Gaza Strip, end the war, and leave Hamas in power. Israel cannot accept that.” 5 hours ago
  • Bernard Smith
    Bernard Smith “I know my colleagues who were working out of occupied East Jerusalem have now stopped working out of there, and both Arabic and English channels have stopped broadcasting from there. The reason that those of us here in Ramallah and Gaza are still operating is because this is the occupied Palestinian territories. The Cabinet decision applies in Israel and Israel's domestic territory. To close Al Jazeera's operations in this part of the occupied West Bank, a military order from the governor would be required. That hasn't come yet. The network might be looking at some legal appeal, but it's a 45-day closure for now. It could be extended again, but it gives the Israeli authorities the right to seize Al Jazeera's broadcasting equipment and cut the channel from cable and satellite broadcasters. We know that's already happened in the last couple of hours in Israel; any operators that have been broadcasting Al Jazeera English or Arabic now have a sign on their screens saying they're no longer allowed to transmit and receive Al Jazeera.” 5 hours ago
  • Omar Shakir
    Omar Shakir “Their [Al Jazeera] offices have been bombed in Gaza. Their staff have been beaten in the West Bank. They've been killed in the West Bank and Gaza. Rather than trying to silence reporting on its atrocities in Gaza, Israel should stop committing them.” 5 hours ago
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Exports in China

Page with all the IPSEs stored in the archive related to the Context Exports in China.
The IPSEs are presented in chronological order based on when the IPSEs have been pronounced.

“It meant that a lot of game developers in China shifted their priorities to themselves, either developing games just for the domestic market, or to try to reach the global market industry, with localised titles or specialised titles that launch around the world first, and then come back into the mainland. Gaming is part of the culture, and China is the largest games market in the world. This isn't something that is suddenly disappearing overnight for minors, even though the limits are extremely harsh. It's still part of the culture. Parents of minors today have grown up with gaming, so they'll be more liberal minded and may be more open to letting their children use their accounts to play games.”

Analyst at Niko Partners in London
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