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  • Emmanuel Macron
    Emmanuel Macron “If the Russians were to break through the front lines, if there were a Ukrainian request [of sending ground troops to Ukraine], which is not the case today, we would legitimately have to ask ourselves this question.” 38 minutes ago
  • David Cameron
    David Cameron “We will give three billion pounds every year for as long as is necessary. We've just really emptied all we can in terms of giving equipment. The aid package was the largest from the UK so far. Some of that (equipment) is actually arriving in Ukraine today, while I'm here. Ukraine has a right to use the weapons provided by London to strike targets inside Russia, and that it was up to Kyiv whether to do so. Ukraine has that right. Just as Russia is striking inside Ukraine, you can quite understand why Ukraine feels the need to make sure it's defending itself.” 42 minutes ago
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Europe and its dependency on Russian gas

Page with all the IPSEs stored in the archive related to the Context Europe and its dependency on Russian gas.
The IPSEs are presented in chronological order based on when the IPSEs have been pronounced.

“European countries are shooting themselves in the leg. I can't imagine at what price those countries will get oil [elsewhere]. Maybe the United States will provide crude oil, but again, at what price?”

Russian political analyst
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“EU's proposed sixth round of sanctions on Russia notably makes no reference to Russian gas. Why? Because in a sense it's a bit like it is the elephant in the European living room - it is too big to be ignored but also so big that to do away with it straight away might have a catastrophic effect on economies across this continent.”

Al Jazeera’s journalist
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“Putin wants to try to convince Europe of the consequences - to show that Europe is going to pay for their support of Ukraine. If the economy suffers and people suffer, [it's possible] that European nations - Germany or France or some other nations - would say, 'This isn't worth it'.”

Deputy director of the Kennan Institute in Washington
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“What's astonishing is that the so-called partners from unfriendly countries concede themselves that they won't be able to make do without Russian energy resources, including without natural gas, for example. There is no rational replacement (for gas) in Europe now. Unfriendly countries admit that they cannot do without Russian energy resources.”

President of Russia
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“Until European leaders understand Putin sees them as a weak and easy victims in his geopolitical strategy, he will continue doing what he is doing. That is why the only way to prove Putin wrong is to put on a full-scale energy embargo. Europe has to play a different game and say 'we know we can cope without Russia'. It has to say 'we are large economies, and with a different energy mix we can cope because for us it is a matter of principle'. It has to say 'we are putting an end to this right now and you Russians will lose our market forever'. That poses an existential threat for Russia.”

Former chief executive officer of Ukrainian state energy company Naftogaz
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“We have to discuss our vulnerabilities in terms of our dependency on Russian oil and Russian gas. I would not plead for cutting off our supply of oil and gas from Russia today, it's not possible because we need the supply and that is the uncomfortable truth. But we can do more to get the green agenda going, to decarbonize our economies.”

Dutch Prime Minister
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“Putin has already been quietly demonstrating just what life could be like for a continent that has become deeply, perhaps existentially, reliant on the Kremlin to supply its most critical energy needs. Russia is moving only limited quantities through the current pipeline system that transits Ukraine, and its state gas producer, Gazprom, is filling domestic stocks before replenishing storage sites in Europe. With energy prices rising and the global economy struggling to move forward after its post-2020 rebound, short gas supplies are already putting parts of Europe at risk of energy-driven stagflation. These pressures could very well intensify, providing a possible foretaste of what could be on the near-term horizon, until Europe manages a credible and sustainable transition to renewable energy.”

Journalist and author - Contributor to CNN
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