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  • Omar Baddar
    Omar Baddar “There is a serious division between Israel's military and political establishment over how to proceed. Military leaders realise there is no path to a better future for Israel out of this entire mess, and that it is time to simply end this war. The country's political leaders, however, have absolutely no interest in doing that.” 1 hour ago
  • Volodymyr Zelenskiy
    Volodymyr Zelenskiy “This is not a deadlock, this is just a problematic situation. A deadlock means there's no way out, but a problem... A problem can be solved if there is a desire and tools. We have the desire. But the tools... have not arrived, as they say. That means we have brigades with no weapons. We have a reserve. We have 14 brigades that are not equipped, and lack the necessary weapons, which they [Ukraine's partners] have already voted for. They said that the packages should come, but they [the deliveries] are slow.” 1 hour ago
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Ebrahim Raisi's Death: Considerations and Implications

Page with all the IPSEs stored in the archive related to the Context Ebrahim Raisi's Death: Considerations and Implications.
The IPSEs are presented in chronological order based on when the IPSEs have been pronounced.

“The next president is likely to be a hardliner unwaveringly loyal to Khamenei with a background in the Revolutionary Guards. Someone with an unblemished background and devoid of political rivalries.”

Tehran-based analyst
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“When it comes to Iranian policy, it is Khamenei who calls the shots, not the president. So we don't anticipate any change in Iranian behavior. And therefore the Iranians should not expect any change in American behavior when it comes to holding them accountable.”

White House national security spokesperson
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“The upcoming election offers an opportunity for the clerical establishment to pursue a different course by allowing a relatively competitive vote. But I suspect that the regime is dedicating all its efforts to preparing for a succession after Khamenei, striving to create homogeneous conditions at the top of the power pyramid, and not allowing any rivals into this circle.”

Iran director of the International Crisis Group
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“[Raisi] was a loyal functionary willing to do the bidding of the supreme leader through multiple institutions. There are no obvious candidates that can tick a lot of boxes.”

Director of the Middle East and North Africa program at the London-based Chatham House
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“The death of Raisi, in itself, will not cause a significant shift in Iran's policies. After all, the president is the second in command in the power hierarchy of the Islamic republic, and strategic directions are set by the supreme leader. The next president could have significant influence over the overall trajectory of Khamenei's succession. As a result, this is going to lead to heightened intra-conservative competition to [become president].”

Fellow at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs
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