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  • Ian Garner
    Ian Garner “Europe has spent more time discussing, making statements, and making calls than actually putting its money where its mouth is and stepping up to give concrete support to Ukraine or to pursue any other policy of its own choosing. Everybody is technically on the same page. The problem is when you actually look at finer details of the plans, everybody disagrees. All these European leaders are still trapped in potential maybes. Nobody has come up with a cohesive, comprehensive, and collaborative plan to say, 'Here's what we would actually be willing to definitely do.' And so, of course, Trump, Putin, and even Zelenskyy don't take Europe seriously.” 17 hours ago
  • Majda Ruge
    Majda Ruge “There seems to be a group of EU countries who are clear that they are not going to be part of a poorly designed and hasty Trump deal, and who are focused on continuing their support to Ukraine.” 17 hours ago
  • Abdulaziz Alghashian
    Abdulaziz Alghashian “Many people are preparing themselves for something very negative on the horizon in regards to the ongoing yet fragile Gaza ceasefire. I think they sense that Netanyahu is someone who's really confident, especially after leaving Washington [and] getting a great deal of support from the White House for his dream of pushing people out of Palestine. The emboldened Israeli prime minister might, at some point, try to draw the United States into attacking Iranian nuclear facilities. Netanyahu is trying to create a great deal of instability so he could prolong his political career.” 17 hours ago
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Considerations on U.S. Tariffs on China

Page with all the IPSEs stored in the archive related to the Context Considerations on U.S. Tariffs on China.
The IPSEs are presented in chronological order based on when the IPSEs have been pronounced.

“These latest announcements are a way of President Trump showing that he's very serious about using the tariff instrument as a policy tool for achieving both economic and non-economic objectives.”

Chief economist at the Milken Institute
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“China really learned a lesson from the first Trump administration. It's not wise to immediately take a dramatic measure against Trump, because at the end of the day, we know for sure Trump is very transactional.”

Researcher at the Center for Strategic and International Studies
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“Placing additional tariffs on Chinese goods will not help the US to address its own issues, including the fentanyl crisis. Such issues can only be addressed through dialogue and cooperation. Such unchecked actions will only cause catastrophe to global economic growth and trade.”

Vice chairman of the China Society for World Trade Organization Studies in Beijing
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