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  • Ian Garner
    Ian Garner “Europe has spent more time discussing, making statements, and making calls than actually putting its money where its mouth is and stepping up to give concrete support to Ukraine or to pursue any other policy of its own choosing. Everybody is technically on the same page. The problem is when you actually look at finer details of the plans, everybody disagrees. All these European leaders are still trapped in potential maybes. Nobody has come up with a cohesive, comprehensive, and collaborative plan to say, 'Here's what we would actually be willing to definitely do.' And so, of course, Trump, Putin, and even Zelenskyy don't take Europe seriously.” 15 hours ago
  • Majda Ruge
    Majda Ruge “There seems to be a group of EU countries who are clear that they are not going to be part of a poorly designed and hasty Trump deal, and who are focused on continuing their support to Ukraine.” 15 hours ago
  • Abdulaziz Alghashian
    Abdulaziz Alghashian “Many people are preparing themselves for something very negative on the horizon in regards to the ongoing yet fragile Gaza ceasefire. I think they sense that Netanyahu is someone who's really confident, especially after leaving Washington [and] getting a great deal of support from the White House for his dream of pushing people out of Palestine. The emboldened Israeli prime minister might, at some point, try to draw the United States into attacking Iranian nuclear facilities. Netanyahu is trying to create a great deal of instability so he could prolong his political career.” 15 hours ago
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Feb, 2025

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IpseDixit (Latin for "he himself said it") is a quote-centric news project covering geopolitical affairs, current events, economy, politics, conflicts, protests, human rights issues, health matters, natural disasters, climate change related stories, among others, from a vast array of reliable sources.

In order to disentangle the complexity of the world, it is necessary to analyze/listen/read what the people who have the expertise, the decision making power or the experience of living the events first hand, have to say when it comes to the events that are shaping the world.

The point of the project is to store and present the declarations made by People/Entities regardless their political orientation or personal interest, in fact the idea of having multiple sides of a single Context stored forever as an "evidence" of what has been said, constitutes the goal of the IpseDixit project.

The IPSEs (quotations) pronounced/reported by people (politicians, analysts, researchers, journalists, activists, common citizens) or entities (think tanks, government agencies, companies) are categorized by contexts, tags, countries and cities (if applicable) and are organized by date.

There is a possibility for the visitor to contribute by submitting an IPSE for a Person/Entity in its page and/or suggesting a Context in the detail page of the IPSE.

IpseDixit is constantly evolving, new sections are in the making, the possibility of opening up the project to a more elaborate collaboration of users has been considered. Integration of functionalities involving Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning is a potential future path that could generate quality content and improve the platform. The project is run by Paolo Zambon, a programmer, writer and geopolitical news aficionado who started to collect quotations useful for his articles and books and decided to transform what was a plain and unattractive archive into an open space available to other people interested in what is going on around the globe.

To get in touch (new ideas, errors, suggestions, improvements) please send an email at the following address obtained through joining the words:
here you have to add the at symbol
last word is the reverse of the following string "moc.liamg"
